Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - Four Important PVC Products That Are Used In The Healthcare Industry

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Four Important PVC Products That Are Used In The Healthcare Industry

Most people – even the healthiest among us – have been inside a pharmacy or doctor’s private practice, and perhaps walked through the passages of a clinic or hospital. What do these places have in common? Well, the most obvious fact is that they each form part of the healthcare system. Another, less obvious fact is that a visit to any of the above-mentioned environments will involve sightings of different types of PVC products. In this blog, we zoom into the importance of PVC compounds for healthcare in the modern world. You’ll be surprised – it’s everywhere!

Why Is PVC So Popular In The Medical World?

Over the last six decades, the use of PVC in healthcare has changed things for the better in many ways. This is because it is a diverse material, meaning it can be utilised for a multitude of practices and procedures. PVC is also easy to clean and sterilise, making it a hygiene necessity. Here are some examples of PVC being used in the healthcare sector.

PVC Product #1: Devices Used For Direct Flow of Medicine or Nourishment

Critical patients may sometimes need to be provided fluids, medication and even nourishment through tubes such as the intravenous tube. The intravenous tube is a common item in the modern healthcare world and is commonly made from flexible PVC.

PVC Product #2: Catheters And More Equipment Used To Collect Human Waste

Another common occurrence is when patients aren’t able to use the toilet while recovering from a medical condition or injury. The use of catheters makes it easier to maintain good hygiene because these devices collect and store human waste so that it can be easily disposed of. They can also be cleaned and sterilised with the right products.

PVC Product #3: Sanitary Surface Coverings In Hospitals And Other Medical Facilities

The type of material that is used to cover the walls and floors of healthcare facilities should simplify the creation and maintenance of sterile conditions. PVC provides exactly this. It doesn’t hold onto excessive dirt and a swift wipe with sanitising products does the job.

PVC Product #4: Oxygen Providing Equipment

In some cases, patients need to be provided with oxygen via an Oxygen Mask or even a Nasal Cannula. These products are commonly made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The product is made to be disposable in order for the mask to be used by one patient only. These are ideally manufactured with DOP free medical grade virgin PVC granules to ensure the best quality for intimate human use.

There are many more healthcare-related uses for PVC, which we couldn’t get through in just one blog. Just take a look around you. From cars to shoes, PVC compounds are a staple. Contact IPC to learn more about what PVC can do for you.