Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - 4 Ways That PVC Has Evolved Over The Years

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4 Ways That PVC Has Evolved Over The Years

No matter where you are – be it your car, home, office, or even on a sports field, enjoying a hobby – you’re bound to encounter at least one item made from PVC. It’s not something you would think about, because PVC products are considered an ordinary part of our lives. However, it wasn’t always like this. As a long-standing PVC compound manufacturer, we know very well the history and evolution of the materials we produce. In this blog, we highlight four key changes in PVC history that got us where we are now.

PVC Evolution #1: Large Scale Production Began During the 1920’s

Although discoveries, research, experiments into producing PVC compounds had begun almost a century prior by the likes of Henri Victor Regnault of France and German chemist Eugen Baumann, it was only later patented by Friedrich Heinrich August Klatt in the early 1900’s. However, only in the 1920’s were people like Dr. Waldo Semon making further progress in using PVC compounds in commercial items. Semon moulded an array of small items from PVC, including golf balls and shoe heels. Later on, he was able to build a tank lined with PVC.

PVC Evolution #2: PVC Was Incorporated Into Textiles From The 1930s

Once manufacturers got the hang of it, PVC found its way into a variety of textiles as well. This ranged from raincoats to shower curtains, which equipped people better for weather changes and domestic maintenance.

PVC Evolution #3: In The Mid-20th Century, Vinyl Records Changed The Way Music Was Consumed

Later on, vinyl records came into the picture. These were durable products that allowed owners to play their favourite music for decades. Even today, there’s still a market for vinyl records, because collectors continue to preserve the art.

PVC Evolution #4: An Introduction Into The Home Through Various Building Materials

As time went by, we saw the emergence of PVC flooring, wall panels, window frames, piping systems, and more. The list of domestic uses for PVC compounds is endless. It’s everywhere from your fridge to your washing basket.

The integration of PVC products into our daily lives didn’t happen overnight. Increased demand challenged the world of science to devise materials that can meet our changing needs as time goes by. PVC products are a product of this rapid change and will likely continue to be for centuries to come.

Looking for a reliable PVC compound manufacturer near you? Call us today.