Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - IPC Commits To Becoming More Green With SAVA Membership

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IPC Commits To Becoming More Green With SAVA Membership

For many years, the PVC industry was ignorant of the impact its products and processes were having on the environment. Now that we know better, conscientious businesses in the industry, such as Innovative PVC are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint and negative impact on the environment altogether. Our first step towards achieving this is our membership to SAVA or the Southern AfricanVinyls Association. Here’s why we’ve joined this industry regulation group and how we plan on becoming more environmentally responsible and sustainable.

What Is SAVA?

SAVA is an official representative of members of the local vinyl industry in South Africa. Its goal is to help the industry grow and remain sustainable while at the same time, ensuring all rules, standards, and regulations are in line with international green standards.

SAVA understands that vinyl is a misunderstood material when it comes to environmental impact and they aim to raise awareness of the fact that its manufacturing doesn’t emit air, soil and water pollution. In addition, it is tested for safety. Its longevity also means that it’s unlikely to end up in a landfill. Many consumers are unaware that vinyl is derived from salt and not finite fossil fuels, and that it offers several favourable advantages in a variety of applications.

When used in manufacturing, less vinyl is required compared to other products. It also promotes energy efficiency, resists both manual and chemical degradation and is low maintenance. It is also safe and easy to work with.

Why We’re Members

IPC strives to be a conscious player in the local vinyl industry. Steps we’ve already taken include integrating sustainable and environmentally friendly practices into our business. As well as reducing our dependence on lead and mercury-based additives. By joining the membership of SAVA, we’re also committing to product stewardship that aims to make the process of manufacturing and recycling vinyl safer and better for the planet. This includes:

  • Reducing vinyl chloride monomer emissions in product, food & medical applications.
  • Complete phase-out of the use of short-chain chlorinated paraffin & hexavalent chromium additives or pigments.
  • Introducing lead, bisphenol A & cadmium free stabilisers, additives & compounds.
  • Restrict the use of low-molecular-weight phthalate plasticisers (i.e DEHP and DOP) in human contact products.
  • Increasing the recycling of post-consumer PVC.

These are just a few ways that Innovative PVC is committed to bettering the world of tomorrow. If you’d like to find out more about our practices, contact us today.

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