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Safety First: Working With Rigid PVC Compounds

Safety First: Working With Rigid PVC Compounds

Today we are talking about Rigid PVC compounds. Polyvinyl compounds are among the most popular materials used, globally in almost any and every industry you can think of. From the medical field, straight into the kitchen or exterior of your home. You can rest assured you will not have to look too hard to find a product produced with either flexible or rigid  compounds.

As with any major raw material used in so many different fields, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure the safety of your employees. This is referring to manufacturing as well as the use of rigid PVC. To fully understand the safety requirements of rigid PVC, let us take a quick look at where you can find rigid PVC commonly.

What Are Rigid PVC Compounds Used For

PVC is unwavering in its inflexibility and strength thus, rigid PVC compounds can be found in almost any industry. Such as, manufacturing of window frames, packaging, roof sheeting, in the production of containers – large or small, electrical sockets, plugs and many more. They are even used for computer housings and technical mouldings.
This PVC compound is not only very versatile but also reliable and a good choice in the creation of long-lasting products. If used correctly with the correct safety measures, it is an all-round great material for almost every industry out there.

Safety Facts About PVC Compounds

  • Most Polyvinyl products, including rigid PVC compounds, are regulated byqualified board of authorities. This means they must meet specific and special safety requirements to be certified.
  • A lot of new PVC compounds do indeed have somewhat of an odour. With normal ventilation however, this odour does fade away considerably quickly. The very small volatile organic compounds released, dissipate fast so that they are no longer harmful.
  • There are highly governed regulations about the level of polyvinyl emissions in the workplace, as well as, the level that is released from manufacturing plants. When rigid PVC is manufactured, the aim is to use as much of the vinyl chloride in PVC that is possible. Once production is finalised, the remaining vinyl chloride is then stripped out using a steaming process. This makes the actual PVC compounds completely safe.

For any enquiries on safety requirements and regulations of rigid PVC compounds, contact us at IPC today!

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