Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - How to Ensure that the PVC Pellets You Plan on Buying Come from a Safe & Sustainable Source?

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How to Ensure that the PVC Pellets You Plan on Buying Come from a Safe & Sustainable Source?

When looking for PVC pellets for sale, you have a responsibility to both your customers and the environment to ensure these pellets come from a safe and sustainable source.

What are PVC pellets? They are small, often round or pill-shaped, pieces of plastic that are melted down and moulded to form a wide array of different plastic products. These pellets are used in the production of virtually every PVC product available, including pipes, shoes, electrical components and so many more.

With the rise of greenwashing, and other similar trends, it is harder than ever to determine whether the source you are wanting to purchase PVC pellets from is sustainable or not. As leaders in the PVC compound industry in South Africa, IPC is here to give a few pointers when it comes to finding reliable, safe, and sustainable companies that offer PVC pellets for sale.

Here are a few of the keywords to look out for.

Free from Harmful Toxins

Unfortunately, there are still PVC manufacturers out there that are using harmful toxins in their compounds. Make sure that the compounds you purchase have the following attributes:

  • Mercury-Free
  • Lead-Free Stabilizers
  • Cadmium-Free Stabilisers
  • Bisphenol A-Free
  • Hexavalent Chromium-Free Additives

Commitment to the Environment

Even if the commitment to the environment is not laid in explicit terms, any company working with plastic should at least be making efforts to make more sustainable choices and have a clear idea of where their materials are being sourced from.


Any PVC compound manufacturer worth buying from in Southern Africa should be a member of SAVA. The Southern African Vinyl’s Association is responsible for setting the standard when it comes to sustainability within Southern Africa’s PVC industry.

RoHS and REACH Compliance

RoHS and REACH both represent international standards and if a company is compliant in both categories, this is a sure sign that they are prioritising the safety and sustainability of their products.

You Have the Right to Ask Questions!

Consumers, customers, and purchasers have a right ask questions. If a company is not willing to give you clear information about the safety of their material, this could be a warning sign. Cheap products are not worth destroying the environment and hurting humans over!

Have you been looking for PVC pellets for sale in South Africa? Here at IPC, we offer a wide range of top-quality PVC compounds. Learn more about our commitment to sustainability and please feel free to contact us should you have any questions at all!