Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - How Are PVC Compounds Tailored For Specific Applications?

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How Are PVC Compounds Tailored For Specific Applications?

Tailoring PVC compounds and processing them for specific applications requires careful product formulation. Different compound formulations can be developed by engineers through the addition of various ingredients. The ratio of ingredients included can allow compounds to be customised according to very specific applications.

The functional purposes of different PVC compounds are defined by the needs of the market and regulatory guidelines, in addition to scientific advancements and other raw material economics. These factors push research and development technicians in the PVC compound industry to constantly seek out different and more useful varieties.

Here are the key factors that impact how PVC compounds can be tailored for various applications:


Plasticisers are added to the PVC resin to promote flexibility and inhibit its inherent brittleness. Since PVC is rigid under normal circumstances, plasticisers help make it more flexible. This makes the PVC softer and allows it to be used in a variety of applications that require greater flexibility. If a more rigid PVC compound is required, then less or no plasticisers are used.


Stabilisers are chemicals that are added to the PVC compound to help it maintain a more stable state and prevent changes from occurring due to exposure to temperature fluctuations and other chemical reactions that could occur from various additives. Stabilisers are important to prevent PVC from degrading under exposure to elevated temperatures.

Heat stabilisers reduce the degree to which PVC breaks down and enhance the stability of the compound. UV stabilisers are commonly used in PVC compounds that are exposed to significant amounts of natural sunlight.


Lubricants are typically used in PVC compounds to minimise friction. This assists in the manufacturing process by helping the PVC polymer melt with greater viscosity and enhancing the flow of the compound. This minimises the amount of processing needed and the occurrence of friction, making the compound easier to work with.


Fillers are used to increase the volume and strength of the PVC compound. Solid materials of varying particle sizes can be included in the PVC compound formulation to enhance its properties. This might include increasing its opacity, adding stiffness. Various particle sizes can be used at different ratios, but careful consideration is needed to avoid degrading the performance of the PVC itself.

Functional Additives

In some cases, functional additives can be included in the PVC compound to enhance certain aspects of the compound’s performance. These additives provide the PVC compound with special properties. Common examples of functional additives include anti-fungal, flame retardant additives, pigments, and even impact modifiers. These give PVC compounds unique properties for specific applications.

Here at IPC, we specialise in PVC compounds and processing. Whatever your PVC needs might be, we can provide an appropriate compound or develop a new one. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you.