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Flexible PVC Extrusion

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Why is PVC Extrusion Popular for Automotive Components?

Rigid and flexible PVC extrusion is widely utilised in the automotive component manufacturing industry. This is because extruded PVC products are not only durable, uniform and easy to produce en masse in a cost-effective manner, but they are also highly customisable. Let’s take a look at why extruded PVC is the go-to in automotive parts […]

Why is PVC Extrusion Popular for Automotive Components? Read More »

Plastic Extrusion

A Quality Control Checklist for Plastic Extrusions

Ensuring your PVC extrusions meet the necessary quality standards is a crucial aspect of maintaining client expectations and ensuring a reputation for dependability and reliability. Whether you’re working with rigid or flexible PVC extrusion, here is a quality control checklist to help you determine if your extrusion process has yielded the product up to a

A Quality Control Checklist for Plastic Extrusions Read More »