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PVC Compound

Benefits Of Using Pipe Fittings Made From PVC Compound

The benefits and applications of PVC compound are so expansive that its impact on various industries is undeniable. In addition to being a highly cost-effective compound, its durability and versatility make it the ideal solution for industrial and home applications. PVC Pipe Fittings has become essential in modern construction projects, and there are various reasons why it is a preferred solution – today we’ll cover a few of the main ones.

Highly Chemical Resistant

There is little to no risk of pipe fittings made from PVC compound suffering damage or wear and tear due to exposure to harsh chemicals. Several tests have indicated that PVC compounds are almost entirely impermeable and resistant to strong acids, fluorides, aliphatic hydrocarbons, brine, alkalis, mineral oils, fats, alcohols, and various cleaning detergents. This makes it a perfect solution for water infrastructure creation as it will tolerate virtually all substances typically found in sewerage or refiltered tap water.

Tolerate Pressure Better Underground

Unlike traditional piping materials such as concrete, ceramic or clay pipes that crack or shatter with prolonged pressure, the nature of PVC compound (made from rigid injection compounds) makes it more flexible when moderate pressure is applied to it.

Invulnerable To Corrosion

Corrosion has become an increasing problem in terms of supplying clean drinking water because older piping solutions such as ceramic, concrete and various metal-based pipes eventually begin to degrade through corrosion and release micro contaminant materials into the water supply.

With PVC compound this isn’t an issue, as it is less vulnerable to both internal and external corrosion risks. In terms of corrosion damage when compared to breakage statistics in iron, concrete, steel and cement pipes, PVC pipe fittings have shown the least likelihood of suffering corrosion damage by a large margin.

Looking To Manufacture Premium PVC Pipe Fittings? Contact Us Today!

If you’re looking to manufacture and supply premium PVC pipe fittings to the construction and industrial industries, our PVC compound solutions are highly preferred by both local and international manufacturers. And are available in three variants of flexibility, including a highly rigid formulation. Contact IPC for more information.

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