Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - The Importance of Size & Geometry When it Comes to PVC Granules

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The Importance of Size & Geometry When it Comes to PVC Granules

When purchasing PVC granules, there are many different factors to consider. As experienced PVC material suppliers in South Africa, we’ll use this article to discuss the importance of uniform size and geometry when it comes to PVC granules.

Two of the first considerations, before PVC compound manufacture takes place, are material selection and formulation. This ‘recipe’ as well as the mixing procedure and temperature all play a role in the uniformity and quality of the PVC granules.

The Potential Issues with Non-Uniform Granules

When using granules that are non-uniform in size and geometry, you run the risk of experiencing issues in melting efficiency as the granules may melt at different rates. This can result in performance issues when it comes to the processes of extrusion and injection moulding. The end product may not have the texture and finish that you were hoping to achieve.

Taking the above points into consideration, you want to prioritise purchasing PVC granules that are uniform in both size and geometry. This will help set you up for success when it comes to creating a final product.

Are you looking for reliable PVC material suppliers in South Africa? Here at Innovative PVC Compounds, we have decades of experience in the industry and a wide range of PVC granules for you to choose from. Have any questions about what we have to offer? We invite you to get in touch with us today.