Your Compounder of Choice opt2 - Things to Know Before You Buy Plastic Pellets

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Things to Know Before You Buy Plastic Pellets

Have you been wanting to purchase plastic pellets for your project for a while now, but there are still a few things that you are unsure about? Then this article is definitely intended for you! Let’s have a look at everything you should know before you place your first order!

What You are Going to Use the Plastic Pellets for

Plastic pellets are typically melted down and then used to form a wide variety of products, including everything from garden hoses to electrical components to gumboots. What is the end-product that you wish to create? This will help you determine which are the right plastic pellets for you to buy.

What Qualities You are Looking for

What type of qualities are you wanting your end-product to have? Does it need to be UV resistant? Flexible? What about chemical-resistant? And what would your colour preferences be? These are all important factors to think about!

The Difference Between Injection Moulding and Extrusion Processes

There are a wide range of different types of plastic pellets, but they are split up into two main categories: those intended for injection moulding and those intended for extrusion. You may want to become a bit more familiar with these processes if you are not educated about them already.

Your Budget

Before you set a budget in place for what you can realistically afford to spend on plastic pellets, you may want to do some market research into the prices that you can expect to pay.

The Manufacturer Options Available to You

Whenever you buy anything, you want to ensure that you are purchasing from a reliable source that provides friendly customer service and has a team that is knowledgeable about their products. Take your time to research the manufacturer options available to you, but we’re sure that IPC will be more than satisfactory.

Are you looking to purchase plastic pellets in South Africa? Browse the Innovative PVC website, or contact us today to find out more about our high quality PVC pellets.